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MnRED: "Minnesota Republicans Educating Democrats"

So why is it "Republicans educating Dems?"

Because Leftist propaganda is undermining common sense.

It's up to us, GOP and Conservative grassroots, to achieve communication of the facts.

Regulatory Compliance Information

They're Lying... as has been famously said.

MnRED helps conservative Minnesota Political Committees:

BPOU or conservative registered political committees

MnRED is stricly chartered to provide services including fundraising & web development for groups to achieve certain communication via their websites.

MnRED is incorporated for indemnification purposes and follows statutory restrictions on receiving funds from prohibited sources such as corporations or lobbyists.

As a fundraiser for GOP Party Units, MnRED will diligently guard against any improper contribution or reporting error.

Committees & Units need help conveying bubble-bursting content.

All MnRED receipts are disbursed in the execution of the political mission with no profit-making, taking, or sharing, as a guarantee affirming our regulatory status.

Let's Get it Done

Contact MnRED about getting your BPOU our help or how we might help your group realize web development of your critical messaging.

The Left wants Minnesotans dumb, drugged, & wound-like-a trigger.

We have to educate to overcome their media advantage.

The MnRED Committee is responsible for the content of this message. MnRED is a political-purposed tax-exempt organization and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.